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Butterflied Miso Chicken Recipe

Butterflied Miso & Lemon Chicken

By Raymond Capaldi

6 serves

6 serves

15 mins

15 mins

75 mins

75 mins

The Bare Bird - Whole Freerange Bird
Butterflied Miso Lemon Chicken
6 serves
6 serves
20 mins
20 mins
45 mins
45 mins
The Bare Bird - Whole Freerange Bird
The Bare Bird Whole Chicken Front



  1. Add lemonade, beer, lemon juice and miso paste to the pan, and reduce to a syrup. Allow to cool.
  2. Pour syrup over the skin side of the butterflied chicken and rub into skin.
  3. Place on a bed of lime chutney and roast for 60 mins in a fan-forced oven at 150°C. Increase to 180°C for 15 mins. Remove from oven and allow to breathe for 10 minutes.

Serve with roti bread and natural yoghurt.


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